14 Good Reasons To Question The Alice Bailey Teachings

By an ex-student of those teachings, who discovered them to be not only highly questionable but also extremely deceptive and sinister in both their content and the aims and intentions of the Movement behind them, most prominently represented by the Lucis Trust and the Arcane School.

Leaves and Light

#1. Despite presenting her teachings as a “continuation” or even a conclusion of those of H. P. Blavatsky, Bailey’s books instead contradict the work and teachings of Blavatsky at almost every turn and on almost every subject and substitute her pure Eastern Esoteric Philosophy with a distinctly Christianised and Westernised system, derived almost solely from the works of C. W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, the parents of what many Theosophists call “Pseudo-Theosophy,” this being a term first coined by HPB herself.

#2. The Bailey teachings degrade and anthropomorphise the ancient philosophical concept of an impersonal Logos and turn the Logos into a “He,” a “Him,” an entity repeatedly referred to as “God” who feels “the need to contact humanity and to have relationship with men” and who has to send “divine intermediaries” and “mediators” as “Representatives of God,” this being “the appropriate mechanism . . . through which divinity can reach and communicate with humanity.”

#3. Bailey’s teachings revolve around the central concept of the Second Coming of a personal Christ, the so-called “Lord Christ-Maitreya” who is the “World Teacher” for humanity and who is said to be preparing his “return” or “reappearance” on the world scene.

#4. This teaching and its emphasis, including the equation of Christ with the Bodhisattva Maitreya of Buddhist teachings, was originated in 1909 by the infamous and highly controversial C. W. Leadbeater of “The Theosophical Society – Adyar,” who admitted on record to having performed indecent acts on young boys and who was constantly dogged with complaints and accusations of similar, and worse, behaviour throughout much of his life and Theosophical career. (See The Case against C. W. Leadbeater) Bailey was a member of the Adyar Theosophical Society, somehow chose to turn a blind eye to the many scandals surrounding Leadbeater, and accepted most of his proclamations and “clairvoyant discoveries” as genuine and important, incorporating them into her own work and teachings.

#5. All the Mahatmas, Masters, and Adepts of the Great Lodge or Brotherhood are transformed in the Bailey teachings into the “Disciples of Christ” and this supposed “Lord Christ” is described as being the Master of all the other Masters.

#6. According to Bailey, the role and work of Christ 2,000 years ago when he “overshadowed the Master Jesus” (yet another Leadbeater concept) was literally of supreme and superior importance. Her book “The Reappearance of the Christ” states that it was “He”, who “for the first time in planetary history, as far as we know – transmitted the divine energy of love directly to our planet and in a most definite sense to humanity” and again “He” who “gave men the new command to love one another” (as if this had never been said or emphasised before by any other great Teachers or Masters in history!) and “He” alone who purportedly “altered all human living, goals and values.”

#7. The central Theosophical teachings of Karma and Reincarnation, repeatedly emphasised by H. P. Blavatsky as being of such vital importance to humanity, receive hardly any attention or mention in the Bailey teachings. Bailey students are advised not to concern themselves too much with promulgating such ideas and are informed that the Masters actually know very little about reincarnation and that they are totally ignorant as to how it works. From what They have written, however, we can see that the real Masters behind real Theosophy do not claim to “know little” or to “know as yet nothing” about it but just the opposite.

#8. The majority of the Bailey books are claimed to have been dictated telepathically to Alice Bailey by the “Master Djwhal Khul” or D.K., “The Tibetan,” an Initiate of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood and disciple of the Master Koot Hoomi. Bailey says he passed what she calls the 5th Initiation in 1875, the year the Theosophical Society was founded, and thereupon became a full Master and Adept. She claims that it was he who inspired and dictated “The Secret Doctrine” to H. P. Blavatsky. However, D.K. was only a chela (disciple) “of the first degree” according to both HPB and the Master K.H.’s Indian chela Damodar K. Mavalankar and thus not a Master. He did not even take his very first initiation until the 1880s and did not dictate any books or writings of HPB or anyone else. It was repeatedly stated in writing by the Master K.H. and the Master M. that they were the authors of “The Secret Doctrine” with HPB and that it was the “triple production” of the three of them. (See Who wrote “The Secret Doctrine”?) The idea of D.K. being a full Master since 1875 was first invented by Leadbeater and, not surprisingly, copied by Bailey.

#9. The Masters and the Founders of the Theosophical Movement made it clear that no further teachings or public expositions of fresh esoteric knowledge from the Masters would or could be given out after the closing of the 1875-1900 cycle, not until the 1975-2000 cycle, the work, reach, and influence of which would be determined by how well and effectively Theosophists in the meantime would spread and promulgate the vast mass of teaching and knowledge already given. (See The Closing Cycle) The Masters of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood also made it clear that their Eastern doctrine “knows no compromises” and that “Truth is One and cannot admit of diametrically opposite views.” Both these facts immediately and automatically invalidate the Bailey teachings which were given between 1919-1949, regardless of what source they claim to come from.

#10. Whereas H. P. Blavatsky’s major books contain literally thousands of supporting references and quotations from the realms of religion, philosophy, classical literature, ancient and modern history, and science, in order to show the timelessness, reliability, and universality of her teachings, the books of Alice Bailey contain nothing of the sort. They are content to simply present their manifold claims and statements on what have been described as “lines of pure assertion with implied authority in the background” and usually without the slightest philosophical basis whatsoever. As indicated in her footnotes, most of the few supporting references ever used by Bailey are from books by Leadbeater and Besant.

#11. What Bailey really thought of Blavatsky is apparent from the way in which the latter is subtly and not so subtly depreciated, minimised, belittled, and “corrected,” both in the Bailey books and in other statements, articles, lecture transcripts, and interviews. The versions of HPB’s books used and referred to by Bailey are not the original editions but the “revised” and “improved” editions published by Annie Besant, which were so full of deliberate alterations, deletions, and distortions, that even “The Theosophical Society – Adyar” which once published them has long since allowed them to go out of print. On many occasions when HPB is quoted by Bailey, she is misquoted, with Bailey removing and adding words and terms so as to sometimes change even the whole meaning, but without informing the reader.

#12. In Bailey’s “The Reappearance of the Christ,” it is asserted that the separation between religion and politics must end and that the world of politics and government should be ruled over by religion once again, this time in the form of the Christocentric “New World Religion” described in the Bailey books.

#13. Bailey’s “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” states that the so-called “Master Jesus” (who is a different being from Christ, in those teachings) is planning to travel to Rome in order to become the new Pope and usher in a glorious new era for the Roman Catholic Church and then, “the whole field of religion will be re-inspired and re-orientated from Rome.”

#14. In Bailey’s “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,” we are informed that the explosion of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima was a wonderful day for humanity and that the new atomic presence in the atmosphere will help to quicken the dawning of the New Age. In fact, it was “the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared,” and “The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.” And the Second World War, “with all its unspeakable horrors, its cruelties, and its cataclysmic disasters – was but the broom of the Father of all, sweeping away obstructions in the path of His returning Son.”

~ * ~

It would not be unreasonable to suggest that the Alice Bailey books have a hidden threefold agenda, one which becomes quite apparent after a while, especially if one starts to read and study the original teachings of Theosophy:

(1) To relentlessly promote Christianity, Christ, and the Second Coming of a personal bodily “Lord Christ” who is supposedly “the Master of all the Masters”; (2) To depreciate, belittle, and obscure H. P. Blavatsky, the actual Masters and actual teachings of Theosophy, and misrepresent what Theosophy and the Theosophical Movement is all about; (3) To trap unsuspecting students of Theosophy and other spiritually interested people in a maze and imposing mass of seemingly highly complex and deeply esoteric teachings, charts, diagrams, lists, etc. which actually mean and say next to nothing, if anything at all, thus hindering the usefulness and potentialities of people who could be of great service to the Cause of genuine Theosophy and, through that, to humanity.

The Alice Bailey Movement – whether in the form of its official organisations such as the Lucis Trust, the Arcane School, World Goodwill and its affiliated groups, or related offshoots and groups such as the Morya Federation – is nothing but deliberate Christian propaganda, carried out in a most Jesuitical way. Many of the most devoted supporters and defenders of the Movement may not realise this and will certainly not admit it but this does not alter obvious facts.

The world headquarters of the Lucis Trust was for many years based within the world headquarters of the United Nations at United Nations Plaza in New York and is today a member of the Economic and Social Council of the U.N. with which it has a “consultative status.” They also created and maintain the United Nations Meditation Room at the U.N. world headquarters. This makes the situation all the more disturbing. May Truth prevail!

~ BlavatskyTheosophy.com ~


Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?

(Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books)

18 thoughts on “14 Good Reasons To Question The Alice Bailey Teachings

  1. #7 “Bailey students […] are informed that the Masters actually know very little about reincarnation and that they are totally ignorant as to how it works.” Could you back this assertion with a reference / quote?

    1. Certainly, as this article is not based on assertions but facts.

      On p. 118 of Alice Bailey’s book “The Reappearance of the Christ,” which she claimed to have been telepathically dictated to her by the “Tibetan” Djwhal Khul – and which is thus viewed by Bailey supporters as being the words of the Master – the following is written:

      “The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more harm than good. Only one factor remains of value: the existence of a Law of Rebirth is now discussed by many and accepted by thousands.

      “Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we know little and those who know from experience the factual nature of this return reject earnestly the foolish and improbable details, given out as fact by the theosophical and occult bodies. The Law exists; of the details of its working we know as yet nothing.”

      1. Thank you first for this informative article. I’m heartened to see that you are well versed in your ‘opponents’ writings so that you have a ready answers to inquiries. Having just begun to study Theosophy I know from the little that I’ve read that there is a copious amount of information about reincarnation in the writings of William Q Judge alone, much less the masters themselves. One of the problems seems to be that AB herself did not give serious study to the teachings of the receivers of the doctrines but read reformulated information which she in turn reformulated. And this according to her own religious preference apparently. Why even call it theosophy and link yourself to those with whom you seem to have such disagreements when you differ on so many points? Why not invent something completely new that compares itself to nothing else? Her careless use of criticism and unresearched assertions make her integrity suspect. I think that any wise student of AB should begin the arduous task of studying Theosophy for themselves. At least in this way they can hear it from the horses mouth so to speak.

        1. Maybe the agenda was to cause confusion, maybe many mediums don’t know what their ‘spirit guides’ are up to ? ( research False light) many of us are confused, it would seem there is a Spiritual War going on, I was contacted by ‘spirit guides’ in 2006, I was ignorant of spiritual matters as I had never trusted any group on the subject, I just trusted myself, but as I worked on a project ( disclosure) with these ‘beings’ I began getting concerned about what I was involved in, so the research began, I went so far down the rabbit hole,I couldn’t take it all in, it affect my health, both mentally, physically and spiritually, it took me years to get my head around it, as Socrates says I know nothing, but I continue moving on through this confusion, if we are kept in this state of confusion it weakens us, which is what the ego centric controllers want.

          1. Thank you very much for sharing these interesting and pertinent details.

            Your experience shows two important points that really need to be far better known amongst spiritually interested people: (1) that there are real unseen entities who have an actual existence outside of the person who reports being contacted by them, i.e. they are not part of that person’s own imagination; (2) many of these beings – who by all accounts are daily trying to communicate with people – do not have good intentions or motives but seek instead to confuse, mislead, and even cause serious damage.

            Another article on this site – “Beware of the Star Rishis” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/beware-of-the-star-rishis/ – relates quite closely to this.

            With regard to Alice Bailey’s books though, the agenda or aim of the hidden inspirer(s) of those books seems not simply to cause confusion but to actually bring definite things about in the world, such as for the world to be dominated by a profoundly Christian “New World Religion” directed from the Vatican…the world’s politics controlled by that Religion…everyone focusing on a personal Christ and personal God…no interracial marriage…eugenics to control population size…Jews outcast…and H. P. Blavatsky and her work and teachings ignored and silenced.

            At first glance that might sound as if we’re exaggerating or making things up but sadly that is not so and anyone can read for themselves the exact quotes on those matters from Bailey’s books in our article “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books)” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/tibetan-master-or-christian-priest/

              1. Thank you for your question Andrew. We have an article on this site about that topic, titled “Theosophy and Agni Yoga” which can be read at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/theosophy-and-agni-yoga/

                However, it is also worth considering what is said in point #9 of the above article about Alice Bailey: “The Masters and the Founders of the Theosophical Movement made it clear that no further teachings or public communications from the Masters would or could be given out after the closing of the 1875-1900 cycle, not until the 1975-2000 cycle, which in itself was provisional and would be determined by how well and effectively Theosophists in the meantime would spread and promulgate the vast mass of teaching and knowledge already given.”

                This principle therefore applies to the Agni Yoga teachings as it also does to the Bailey teachings and the work of C. W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant and others.

                If you read the article you’ll see that Helena Roerich and her husband Nicholas (the producers of the Agni Yoga teachings) were far more respectful and appreciative of HPB than other people were, such as Besant, Leadbeater, and Bailey. The Roerichs were also strongly opposed to Alice Bailey and her work, which is itself a good sign. However, like Bailey, they claimed to also be Messengers from the Masters, with a directive to give out further teachings to the world from the Masters, as a supposed continuation and expansion of HPB’s work.

                But, *** like everyone who has ever claimed that *** their “new teachings” contradict HPB’s on numerous important points, have a completely different style and flavour, and can only serve to distract people away from the real Message of HPB. After all, the human mind can only hold so much information…and if someone is reading and studying the whole load of Agni Yoga books how can they also read, properly study, and remember and retain in accurate detail everything they read from the vast mass of HPB’s writings?

                Also, as the article shows, the Roerichs’ contact with the purported Master of HPB was made through spiritualist-type seances and “table tapping”…a low level psychic method which the real Masters held in much disdain…using such methods almost anyone, if slightly psychic, can make contact with unseen entities and unseen entities can – and do – claim to be all sorts of people. The article also refers to how some of the Agni Yoga books are full of the “Master” praising Helena Roerich and talking for pages and pages about how wonderful and elevated and powerful she is and how she is in fact “the Mother of the World.” This alone should be a warning sign.

                We have found that the serious Agni Yoga students are in two categories: (1) the ones who trust the Roerichs totally and thus believe her comments about Alice Bailey being an “agent of dark forces”…these people are generally Russians (the majority of serious Agni Yoga followers are Russians, as were the Roerichs themselves) and also have a lot of respect and admiration for HPB and study her writings too, albeit to a lesser extent than they study Agni Yoga…and (2) the ones who are primarily Alice Bailey students and who believe what Bailey said about Agni Yoga, which was that it is important and does come from the Masters and should be studied but that on any points where it contradicts the Bailey teachings (and there are many) it is the Bailey teachings which are always correct…these people may claim to respect and admire HPB and her work but, like most Bailey students, they have barely read or studied anything by her and actually have very little respect for her at all and definitely no understanding of her high occult status.

                Hopefully this rather extensive answer might be of help to some readers!

      2. “The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more..” and “Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we know little and those..” Could you name the book and the abstract please?

        1. We already did so in the above comment from 19th May 2015. This is only a few lines above your own comment.

          To repeat what was said there:

          On p. 118 of Alice Bailey’s book “The Reappearance of the Christ,” which she claimed to have been telepathically dictated to her by the “Tibetan” Djwhal Khul – and which is thus viewed by Bailey supporters as being the words of the Master – the following is written:

          “The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more harm than good. Only one factor remains of value: the existence of a Law of Rebirth is now discussed by many and accepted by thousands.

          “Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we know little and those who know from experience the factual nature of this return reject earnestly the foolish and improbable details, given out as fact by the theosophical and occult bodies. The Law exists; of the details of its working we know as yet nothing.”

          You may also find it useful to read the much lengthier article about the Bailey teachings titled “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books)” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/tibetan-master-or-christian-priest/.

  2. About #14. ” In Bailey’s “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,” we are informed that the explosion of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima was a wonderful day for humanity and that the new atomic presence in the atmosphere will help to quicken the dawning of the New Age. ” , can you give me exactily in which page / section of this book are writting so “incredible” teaching ?

    1. Yes, you can find this and much more in a far lengthier and more recent article titled “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Teachings)” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/tibetan-master-or-christian-priest/.

      These particular references about the atomic bomb come from p. 491, 495, 548 of “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy.”

      For those who may not be willing to read through “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?” where they will be able to find them quoted verbatim, we’ll quote them here too:

      – – –

      “Some years ago I told you that the new era would be ushered in by the scientists of the world and that the inauguration of the kingdom of God on Earth would be heralded by means of successful scientific investigation. By this first step in the releasing of the energy of the atom this has been accomplished, and my prophecy has been justified during this momentous year of our Lord 1945.” (“D.K.” via Alice Bailey, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” p. 491)

      * “None of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realise. It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth root race quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population.” (“D.K.” via Alice Bailey, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” p. 495)

      * “That atomic bomb (though used only twice destructively) ended the resistance of the powers of evil because its potency is predominantly etheric. … As the forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilisations and their emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilisation, thus demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity. The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.” (“D.K.” via Alice Bailey, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” p. 548)

      – – –

      It may also be of interest to know that Mary Bailey (the second wife of Alice Bailey’s widowed husband Foster Bailey) wrote and thought that the Chernobyl disaster in the late 1980s was also a wonderful day for humanity, for similar twisted reasons to those outlined above.

      This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many disturbing and sinister things in the Bailey books. Those wanting to know more really should read “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?” and discover for themselves the deception and evil that lies at the heart of the Alice Bailey movement.

      1. You have taken liberties with the statement and your context excludes relevant phrasing. It did not claim that the killing of so many people was wonderful for humanity. Note the words: “I would like at this time to touch upon the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer to the __release of atomic energy__, as __related__ in the newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, __in connection with__ the bombing of Japan.”

        I personally think that the dropping of the bomb both made karma and made a net shortening of the war and loss of life. By the time of WW IIs karmic fulfillment we were faced with the lesser of two evils.

        But the demonstration of atomic energy itself has the potential for good.

        1. Thank you for your comment Arnold. We do not agree, however, that we “have taken liberties with the statement,” especially as we never once claimed that the Bailey books teach “that the killing of so many people was wonderful for humanity.” They do not state it as explicitly as that; however, as we have demonstrated by providing the various statements on this subject verbatim from the Bailey books (see the comment directly above yours), the “killing of so many people” is justified and excused by Bailey and her inspirer, and presented as a matter of little relevance or moment, seeing as the purportedly magnificent atomic energy was released into the atmosphere in the process.

          “. . . the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth root race quality. . . . [the] destruction and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population.” (“D.K.” via Alice Bailey, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” p. 495)

          You are quite right that this article (“14 Good Reasons to reject the Alice Bailey Teachings”) does not provide much in the way of exact quotations; that is because it is intended to provide a brief overview, whilst referring those who are sufficiently interested to the much lengthier article “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books”) at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/tibetan-master-or-christian-priest/ where all these matters and more are examined with exact and fully referenced quotations from the Bailey books.

          We take no liberties and do not twist or misrepresent anyone’s words. To this day, no-one has even attempted to provide a rebuttal to the “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?” article; the only types of response to it that we have received from Bailey students are offensive and threatening emails.

          1. First I’d like to thank you for your comments. They invited me to sharpen my mind.

            The Theosophical Society arose at the same time as the Catholic Church claimed papal infallibility and I think it was absolutely right in attacking this narrow-minded view on religion and spirituality. Because of that I don’t think we should read the Secret Doctrine as a dogmatic book. To treat the SD as a sacred book reminds me too much of a fundamentalist approach of the Bible or the Quran. I hope our civilization has passed that early stage of spiritual development.

            Although I’d like to reject almost every ‘good reason to reject Baileys teachings’, I’d rather stick to the most bold comment #14.

            Blavatskyhouse claims not to ’take liberties and not to twist or misrepresent anyone’s words’, but doesn’t provide the actual quotes. This is understandable. They don’t exist.
            The only quotes given are taken out of context and still don’t support the claim of ‘a wonderful day’.

            Bailey doesn’t argue anywhere ‘that the explosion of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima was a wonderful day for humanity’. I would never accept such a disgusting view: also not from a theosophist.

            You call them twisted reasons. And you are absolutely right. But have you asked yourself who is twisting these reasons?

            There is no religion higher than the truth.

            Since Bailey doesn’t claim this (and you only provide your own interpretation of a misrepresented quote), I don’t understand how and why anybody can possibly think that the killing of 250.000 civilians (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) can be a wonderful day for humanity. I don’t understand why this awful thought is projected on the work of Bailey… Projection in the Jungian sense.

            The argument of ‘the bomb on Hiroshima as a wonderful day’ is either a faulty misunderstanding and misinterpretation, or a conscious distasteful and unworthy lie.

            It is a pity I’ve met so many misrepresentation of facts on this site, since I truly admire the work of HPB. However, the way the work of HPB is defended and the narrow definition of what ‘true theosophy’is, reminds me of the dogmatic interpretations of the Gospels in Christianity, as I stated above.

            I expect that this defense is out of heartfelt admiration for HPB, but I think we can admire her without having to distort views of others just to make our own opinions sound better.

            For me this kind of defense (by attacking others) has a reverse effect. After reading some of the articles on your site I thought: ‘why spend my time with theosophy when people claiming to be theosophists are so unloving and disrespectful’.

            There is no religion higher than the truth.

            1. Thank you for your comment Alois. First of all, we are not “Blavatskyhouse,” that is the name of the building at which “The Theosophical Society – Point Loma” is headquartered in the Netherlands. This website is the independent work of an associate of the United Lodge of Theosophists.

              You make a big point of saying that we fail to provide the actual quotes on which the points in this article are based. But as we have already explained to someone else, in a comment which you surely must have seen:

              “You are quite right that this article (“14 Good Reasons to reject the Alice Bailey Teachings”) does not provide much in the way of exact quotations; that is because it is intended to provide a brief overview, whilst referring those who are sufficiently interested to the much lengthier article “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest? (Uncovering the real inspiration behind the Alice Bailey Books”) at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/tibetan-master-or-christian-priest/ where all these matters and more are examined with exact and fully referenced quotations from the Bailey books.”

              So no-one can claim that we are avoiding giving exact quotes; the “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?” article is full of them. But most people are not inclined to read through such a lengthy article as that and prefer a concise overview…but we repeatedly point the readers of this particular page towards the other article where they can find all the quotes; no-one can deny that.

              A similar criticism has at times been levelled against our article “The Unavoidable Facts about C. W. Leadbeater” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/the-unavoidable-facts-about-c-w-leadbeater/ so that eventually we added this, at both the start and end of the article: “PLEASE NOTE: Occasionally people comment that the statements in this article do not give any references or sources for their assertions and that they are thus slanderous or libellous. The reason for this is because there are SO MANY references and sources for these things that were we to include them all this would no longer be a brief summary and easily readable article but would become an extremely lengthy essay. We can assure such critics that the references and exact quotes for all these points are in our much lengthier article “The Case against C. W. Leadbeater” (https://blavatskytheosophy.com/the-case-against-c-w-leadbeater/). It thus cannot be claimed that we are making false or unverifiable statements.” Since that was added, all accusations of the article being misrepresentative of the facts have ceased.

              You wrote: “Bailey doesn’t argue anywhere ‘that the explosion of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima was a wonderful day for humanity’. I would never accept such a disgusting view: also not from a theosophist. . . . Since Bailey doesn’t claim this (and you only provide your own interpretation of a misrepresented quote), I don’t understand how and why anybody can possibly think that the killing of 250.000 civilians (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) can be a wonderful day for humanity. I don’t understand why this awful thought is projected on the work of Bailey… Projection in the Jungian sense. The argument of ‘the bomb on Hiroshima as a wonderful day’ is either a faulty misunderstanding and misinterpretation, or a conscious distasteful and unworthy lie.”

              Here’s what Alice Bailey wrote about it, purportedly from the telepathically dictated words of her “Tibetan”:

              “I would like at this time to touch upon the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer to the release of atomic energy, as related in the newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, in connection with the bombing of Japan.” (“The Externalisation of the Hierarchy” p. 491)

              Now is “the GREATEST SPIRITUAL EVENT which has taken place since” the human kingdom came into being not akin to “a wonderful day for humanity” in the eyes of those who say and believe that the explosion of the atomic bomb was indeed “the greatest spiritual event”? Remember also that Bailey says on p. 548 of the same book that “The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.” There we have the clear and direct assertion that THE MASTERS AND ADEPTS THEMSELVES WERE THE INSPIRERS BEHIND THE ATOMIC BOMB. On p. 495 of the same book, we read regarding the Japanese people that because their “psychological make-up . . . [and] their nervous systems, . . . are of fourth root race quality . . . This destruction and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population.” (complete quote is in the “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?” article)

              Those are all very important and relevant points which you have refrained from addressing or touching upon in your remarks. Nowhere does Bailey write about that event with regret or sorrow or call it an awful and disastrous day; the very opposite is overwhelmingly implied and indicated.

              Our supposedly “narrow definition of what ‘true theosophy’ is” is entirely in line with principles and statements from HPB, William Q. Judge, and the actual Mahatmas. See “Why Stick To The Original?” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/why-stick-to-the-original/ Our “narrow definition” is that adhered to by the United Lodge of Theosophists (or ULT for short), the second largest international Theosophical association. Bailey speaks critically of the ULT in her “Unfinished Autobiography” but that is not to be wondered at.

              As is said at the very start of this article, it is written “by an ex-student” of the Bailey teachings and that ex-student is myself; I was a very serious and devoted student of those teachings (before deciding to read HPB for myself) and can assure you I have a great deal of familiarity and comprehension of those books, their contents, and also the views, ideas, and attitudes, of Bailey students, quite a number of whom I used to be in close and regular contact with.

              All the rest of your points and insinuations are thoroughly and extensively dealt with in “Tibetan Master or Christian Priest?” if you are willing to read it through carefully and calmly. But just to briefly repeat something we recently wrote elsewhere:

              “Some say “It’s so closed-minded to not accept that the Masters can give out further teachings at different times.” They seem unaware that HPB herself, along with her Adept-Teachers and her closest colleague William Q. Judge, made very clear that in actuality the Masters can only do this in the closing 25 years of a century. (See “Why Stick To The Original?” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/why-stick-to-the-original/and “The Closing Cycle” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/the-closing-cycle/) And if the Bailey supporters then say, despite the great occult seriousness of the matter, that “HPB made a mistake about that” they must surely be able to see why dedicated HPB students view them as having next to no respect for HPB and her work and writings, regardless of what they may claim at other times.”

              “Many Bailey students eventually admit and acknowledge that in their view HPB was an incapable and unreliable transmitter of the Masters’ real Message and Teaching and that Bailey was far better suited for the task. If this is one’s idea – even after reading “Words from The Masters about H. P. Blavatsky” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/words-from-the-masters-about-h-p-blavatsky/ and “Who are you, Madame Blavatsky?” at https://blavatskytheosophy.com/who-are-you-madame-blavatsky/ – then you really cannot seriously ever expect devoted HPB students (whether associates of the United Lodge of Theosophists or any other Theosophical group) to view you as allies and co-workers in a common cause.”

  3. Thank you so much for these 14 points.
    I have books from both writers but I started bailey first and came across this article.

    Now I will stop and read h.p.b first 🙂

  4. Could you explain more about Astrology and Theosophy please, some HPB quotes below

    But the “Serpents of Wisdom” have preserved their records well, and the history of the human evolution is traced in heaven as it is traced on underground walls. Humanity and the stars are bound together indissolubly, because of the intelligences that rule the latter (stars). SD 2 -351

    A “true prophet” because an Initiate, one perfectly versed in Occult astronomy. (astronomy/astrology) [H.P.B.

    Astronomy and physiology are the bodies, astrology and psychology their informing souls;
    The former being studied by the eye of sensual perception (physical eye), the latter by the inner or “soul-eye”; and both are exact sciences. SD

    Men who were initiated into all the mysteries of nature, as well as into astronomy and astrology, knew precisely in what way nations and mankind, whole races as well as individuals, would be affected by the so-called “signs of the Zodiac”. TG388

    The celestial bodies are the cause of all that happens in this sublunary world;
    They act indirectly on human actions; but not all the effects produced by them are unavoidable.
    In astrology the stars do not cause our good or bad luck, but simply indicate the same

  5. Thank you for sharing those quotations Bon. There are numerous astrological elements present throughout the teachings of Theosophy; you are likely to notice some as you carefully read and study the books and articles of H. P. Blavatsky. It can be useful to note down and collate what you find.

    You asked: “Could you explain more about Astrology and Theosophy please?”

    That’s quite a broad question; if you share some specific questions we can give some answers or direct you to the relevant literature where you can find the answers.

    In the meantime, please be aware that many systems may call themselves “Esoteric Astrology” but that according to the great Adepts and Masters who gave Theosophy to the world, true Esoteric Astrology “remains to this day . . . a secret science in the East,” (“The Theosophical Glossary” p. 38, Entry for “Astrology”) for They say that “Astrology is built wholly upon this mystic and intimate connection between the heavenly bodies and mankind; and it is one of the great secrets of Initiation and Occult mysteries,” (“The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2, p. 500).

    Which means that we cannot access a complete and wholly clear and exact system of true astrology at the present time…but we can certainly gather some valuable keys and hints regarding it.

    In this regard you may be interested to read the articles “Theosophy on The Pleiades” (https://blavatskytheosophy.com/theosophy-on-the-pleiades/), “Theosophy on The Milky Way” (https://blavatskytheosophy.com/theosophy-on-the-milky-way/), and “Theosophy on Sirius” (https://blavatskytheosophy.com/theosophy-on-sirius/).

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